This is Claris - I'm back!Hi everyone! It has been quite some time since I've gotten to send out a newsletter, but I hope this finds you well! I'm so glad to be back!! We just finished the run of Man of God with InterAct Theatre Company, and I do have to report that yes, indeed, the Mike Post synths were amazing and Melissa's hundreds of hours of watching Law and Order did not go to waste!! And also the K-pop was just *chef's kiss.*
Even with the extra leap year day this month, Melissa is, as always, busy doing the numerous things she is very good at, like identifying and matching sherd pieces, and you don't want to miss out! |
Latest News!
- so much to see, so much to do -
Gonzaga Residency!

Next week Melissa will be back in the Pacific Northwest for a residency at Gonzaga University’s choral department. She’ll be giving lectures and chatting with students, and Gonzaga choirs will be singing a number of her works, culminating in The 19th: For Her, For All concert on Saturday night featuring American DREAMers. The 19th: For Her, For All.If you're in the PNW but can't make it this time, don't despair! Melissa will be back in late May for a residency at Seattle University!
Chorosynthesis Votes for Women Consortium

Do you know a choir looking for material to program for their next season? Especially material that celebrates the centenary of the 19th Amendment that gave women the right to vote in the USA? Chorosynthesis is organizing this consortium, giving 19 choirs the chance to co-commission a work from Melissa and fellow composer Kala Pierson. They’ve been collecting powerful and surprising texts that tell the story of suffrage in our country, from the 1700s through to today. It’s $1000 per choir to be part of this project, please spread the word to choral directors you love who want to be part of this new work and apply!
Beat of Resistance at Asian Arts Initiative

Back on the home front, lots of Melissa's music is being featured in the Beats of Resistance exhibit at Asian Arts Initiative! From LISTEN, to What do you think I fought for at Omaha Beach?, Wild Embers, and excerpts from American DREAMers, you can hear Melissa's pieces in Philadelphia until March 27th, along with music from some other amazing AAPI musicians and composers! Check out the website for more info on events hosted through the exhibit!
O’Neill applications are open!
If you are (or know) a composer/improviser who is interested in collaborating with theater artists, the Eugene O’Neill Theatre Center National Puppetry Conference in June is an incredible, invigorating, and jam-packed creative bootcamp. Applications are competitive, so get cracking!
UPCOMING CONCERTS AND PERFORMANCES: Resonance Ensemble, Safe Harbor, on March 1
 Resonance Ensemble is performing Melissa's music again! She can’t be at this concert, but if you’re in Portland, you should be! Choral Arts of Washington, Music by Women on a Mission, March 28
The women of the chorus will be performing LISTEN and Wild Embers. And yes, that is a content advisory on the concert announcement because of LISTEN. National Concerts, Premiere of “Eight of Swords,” setting poetry of Charles Anthony Silvestri at the Strathmore, April 5
 Melissa met Tony Silvestri at ACDA last year, and almost immediately, they got the chance to work with each other. Hear the fruits of their labor at the Strathmore, on April 5th! For more info, visit Melissa's website! And back to this glorious trove of history in Philadelphia!Melissa and Matt are still sifting through the sherds and artifacts from their finished privy dig! It is absolutely amazing, despite the many hours huddled over soapy basins and sherds and tape and many hurting joints and backs!! Listen and subscribe to the Boghouse on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, or Google Play to stay updated. You definitely want to be caught up by the time they start talking about the UK and Amsterdam research trip they're taking this May!  |
That's all from me for this month, everyone! Till next time! |